////import java.util.*;
////import java.util.Scanner;
////public class Main {
////public static void main(String[] args) {
//// Scanner t = new Scanner (System.in);
//// int a[] = new int[5];
//// int kor[] = new int[5];
//// int math[] = new int[5];
//// int eng[] = new int[5];
//// for(int i =0; i<5; i++) {
//// a[i] = t.nextInt();
//// kor[i] = t.nextInt();
//// math[i] = t.nextInt();
//// eng[i] = t.nextInt();
//// System.out.print("kor");
//// System.out.print("math");
//// System.out.print("eng");
//// }
//import java.util.*;
//class student {
// int a;
// int sub[];
// double k;
// // constructor
// student() {
// sub = new int[10];
// }
// // method overloading
// student(int k) {
// sub = new int[k];
// }
// void input() {
// a = 5505;
// }
// // method overloading
// int CalcuPlus(int a, int b) {
// return a+b;
// }
// double CalcuPlus(double a, int b) {
// return a+b;
// }
// double CalcuPlus(int a, double b) {
// return a+b;
// }
// int CalcuPlus(int a, int b, int c) {
// return a+ +b +c;
// }
// // Apply Ideas Let's Solve 2 Q;
// // method overloaing
//public class Main {
// public static void main(String[] args) {
// Scanner t = new Scanner(System.in);
// ///////////////////////
// student gk = new student(/* here is conttructor*/);
// student sn = new student();
// ///////////////////////
// // 100, 500, 1000
// System.out.println(gk.sub.length);
// gk.input(); // played input method
// System.out.println(gk.a);
// }
//// int -2^31 ~ +2^31-1 // -2147 ~ +21
//// 100억 데이터
//// long < -2~^63 ~ +2^63-1 // 100
//// using Arrays << // Add method
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner t= new Scanner(System.in);
//String str = t.next(); // don't add space bar
// word
//String str = t.nextLine(); // add space bar
// string
String str = t.next();
// hint : input String variable, change int array and final > calculated.
// of course, using Class <<