# x,y = input().split()
# x = int(x)
# y = int(y)
# if x > y:
# print(x-y)
# elif x < y:
# print(y-x)
# elif x == y:
# print(x-y)
# x = input()
# x = int(x)
# if x % 7 == 0:
# print('multiple')
# elif x % 7 != 0:
# print('not multiple')
# x = input()
# x = float(x)
# if 50 <= x and x <= 60:
# print('win')
# else:
# print('lose')
# x, y = input().split()
# x = int(x)
# y = int(y)
# if y >= 30:
# print(x,y-30,end=' ')
# if y<30:
# if x == 0:
# print('23',30+y,end=' ')
# elif x >= 1:
# print(x-1,y+30,end=' ')
# x = input()
# x = int(x)
# s = 0
# if x<100:
# s = s + (x//10 + x%10*10)*2
# if s > 100:
# s = s-100
# if s <= 50:
# print(s)
# print('GOOD')
# elif s > 50:
# print(s)
# print('OH MY GOD')
# else:
# if s <= 50:
# print(s)
# print('GOOD')
# elif s > 50:
# print(s)
# print('OH MY GOD')
# x = input()
# x = int(x)
# if x%10 == 1:
# if x == 11:
# print(x, 'th', sep='')
# else:
# print(x,'st',sep='')
# elif x%10 == 2:
# if x == 12:
# print(x,'th',sep='')
# else:
# print(x, 'nd', sep='')
# elif x%10 == 3:
# if x == 13:
# print(x,'th',sep='')
# else:
# print(x,'rd',sep='')
# else:
# print(x,'th',sep='')
# a, b, c, d = input().split()
# a = int(a)
# b = int(b)
# c = int(c)
# d = int(d)
# if a/b > c/d:
# print('>')
# elif a/b == c/d:
# print('=')
# elif a/b < c/d:
# print('<')
# a,b,c = input().split()
# a = int(a)
# b = int(b)
# c = int(c)
# if c == a + b or c > a + b:
# print('삼각형아님')
# elif a == b and b == c and a == c:
# print('정삼각형')
# elif a*a + b*b == c*c:
# print('직각삼각형')
# elif a == b or b == c:
# print('이등변삼각형')
# else:
# print('삼각형')
# n = int(input())
for i in range(10):
print(i, end=' ')
for i in range(5, 15):
print(i, end=' ')
for i in range(1, 20, 2):
print(i, end=' ')
data = [1, 2, 3, [1, 2, 3], 5, [4, 5, 6], 7, 8, 9, 0]
for i in data:
print(i, end='|')